Tuesday, October 14, 2008

i see that i don't see

i hold dreams in my right hand, and failures in my left. one day i will pass up emptiness for fulfillment, but today i am retrogressing. this misery is long and fearful. it seems no one can alleviate my burden.

you've heard familiar words of life represented as a dark room, but i say it is a hall. it is long and narrow. the ceiling is not seen, nor can it be touched. it is dully lighted along the edges of the wall and floor, but it's dimness brings about feelings of fear and emptiness. yea, i say emptiness is an adequate description of this predicament. i ran for days, even years to find the the halls end, but this task proved useless. it seemed to constrict in a slow manner despite my haste. so i looked behind for a glimpse of the past, but the dim lights reply with a few quiet blinks before turning off permanently. "why has this task been brought upon me?" i cry out. again, no answer is given. i am cold, alone and frail.

Why can I not breathe?

1 comment:

Creative Nonfiction said...

And it is you that whispered to me the secrets of tags...but the labels in your blog speak of something altogether different. I am intrigued. I have appreciated your photographs in the past, but your words offer a whole new layer...

I am pleased to know of you, too.